Project Overview

The proposed project aims to fill existing gaps in cerebral temperature monitoring. Specifically, there is a strong need for a sensor that can accurately and minimally-invasively measure temperature at a precise location in an active mouse brain. The development of such a sensor shall particularly serve to increase fidelity of existing temperature dependent optical measurements in mice brains.

The client has requested such a sensor with the ability to detect temperature fluctuations of 3⁰C with an accuracy of 0.1⁰C. The development of such a described system has the potential to advance modern neuroscience research by allowing for more accurate signal acquisition during brain stimulation and recording. In turn, advancements in mice cerebral recording can lead to better understanding of human brain activity, an area with great potential for advancements in human health.

At the conclusion of this project, the client will be presented with a working prototype and with a detailed manual on the fabrication of the system.