Week 4 Report (9/24)

We met as a group on Tuesday to discuss the existing solutions we found/researched over the weekend. Identified ~6 existing solutions relevant to our project. We noted that the primary defining characteristic distinguishing each solution was the way in which the surface profile of the skull is obtained (i.e. contact probe vs. impedance probe). Additionally, 2 solutions were CNC based and designed specifically for mouse craniotomies. The others were based on stereotaxic systems and are primarily used for drilling holes for injections/electrode placement, but could also feasibly be used for craniotomies.

As a group, we also laid out dates for the Gantt chart for the preliminary report.

We have started drafting the preliminary report, and each of us plans to have our assigned sections completed by Sunday. We will go over the draft of the report as a group next week.

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