We are working with Dr. Song Hu in the Biomedical Engineering department to develop a device that can automatically perform mouse craniotomies for use in his lab. We developed a need statement, scope, and initial design specifications based on our initial discussions with Dr. Hu.
We met with Dr. Klaesner on Monday to discuss our project scope document. Dr. Klaesner generally approved of our idea for a project and suggested some minor changes to the document including rewording the need statement, adding additional deliverables (mechanical drawings + circuit diagrams), and making sure all units are in metric. We edited the project scope using Dr. Klaesner’s feedback and submitted it on 9/15.
We met as a group on Thursday to start planning for how to move forward with the project. We identified the preliminary report as the next major assignment and started breaking up the writing responsibilities. For next week, we decided to focus on researching existing solutions. Our plan is to work individually before coming together as a group on Tuesday to discuss what we find. We also plan to start drafting the preliminary report on Tuesday.