We met on Tuesday for Naasik to practice the Preliminary Presentation and organize our lab notebook as a group for the midterm inspection. Preliminary Presentation will be updated with feedback from Michael and Shivaen. Next week, we will each bring ideas to discuss for implementation in our solution.
Author: shivaen
Week 5 Report (10/1)
We met as a group on Tuesday to review the sections each of us had written for the Preliminary Report. We talked about condensing what was written to satisfy the page limit and established the main points to discuss in the introduction of the Preliminary Report. Naasik is preparing a presentation about the Preliminary Report […]
Week 4 Report (9/24)
We met as a group on Tuesday to discuss the existing solutions we found/researched over the weekend. Identified ~6 existing solutions relevant to our project. We noted that the primary defining characteristic distinguishing each solution was the way in which the surface profile of the skull is obtained (i.e. contact probe vs. impedance probe). Additionally, […]
Week 3 Report (9/17)
We are working with Dr. Song Hu in the Biomedical Engineering department to develop a device that can automatically perform mouse craniotomies for use in his lab. We developed a need statement, scope, and initial design specifications based on our initial discussions with Dr. Hu. We met with Dr. Klaesner on Monday to discuss our […]