We are excited to welcome Kärt to the lab, starting in October 2020. Kärt is an expert in biogeochemical cycling and environmental perturbations associated with the Great Oxidation Event.
Author: dfike
Welcome Mingxi Hu
Mingxi joins the lab as a graduate student after working as an undergraduate student with Paul Myrow at Colorado College. Welcome!
Welcome to new postdoc Dr. Kärt Paiste
We are excited to welcome Kärt to the lab, starting in October 2020. Kärt is an expert in biogeochemical cycling and environmental perturbations associated with the Great Oxidation Event.
Geobiology 2020 GRC Meeting
Fantastic meeting (Jan 12-17, 2020) in lovely old Galveston, chaired by Sasha Turchyn. Congrats to grad student Seth Wood who presented on his work.
High School student Kevin Zhou rocks the lab!
This summer we are thrilled to be hosting high school student Kevin Zhou (2nd from right in the image) in the lab as part of the STARS program. Kevin’s been working with Dr. Jen Houghton to characterize grain-specific isotopic (d34S) values in sedimentary pyrites from methane seeps in the Santa Monica basin.
Midwest Geobiology 2019: Back at WashU!
Just announced that this year’s annual Midwest Geobiology Symposium will be held on Sept 20-22, 2019 back at Washington University, where we launched the meeting in 2012. Stay tuned for updates and check out: Midwest Geobiology 2019
Welcome Jake Ogata Bernstein
A warm welcome to Jake Ogata Bernstein, a recent graduate from Haverford College, who is beginning his graduate work in the lab.
Congratulations, Dr. Richardson!
Jocelyn (Joss) Richardson successfully defended her PhD today!! After 5 years in the lab, mastering carbonate-associated sulfate and all things synchrotron, she is now off to a postdoc working at the beam lines at SSRL. She will be sorely missed. Congrats, Joss!
Congratulations, Dr. Bryant!
Roger Bryant successfully defended his PhD today!! After 5 years in the lab, learning all aspects of pyrite, he’s off to a postdoc with Clara Blättler at the University of Chicago. He will be sorely missed. Congrats, Roger!
Congratulations Dr. Kärt Paiste
Kärt, a PhD student at the Norwegian Geological Survey/UiT The Arctic University of Norway successfully defends her doctoral thesis. Kärt worked closely with Aivo Lepland and her thesis contributed to an improved understanding of Paleoproterozoic Earth history and the relative role of global vs. local controls on stratigraphic isotopic records. Congrats, Kârt!
Midwest Geobiology 2018!
ust back from a successful trip to Chicago for the 7th annual Midwest Geobiology Symposium at Northwestern University. 13 people from WashU attended, including representatives from Fike, Bradley, Konecky, and Catalano labs, presenting posters and fantastic talks by Jocelyn Richardson, Roger Bryant, and Scott Beeler.
Farewell, Morgan!
It is unfortunately time to say goodbye to our postdoctoral fellow Morgan Reed, who has began her job as an Assistant Professor at UC Santa Barbara. We wish her all the luck in her new position! [And hope she comes back to visit often!