Mary C. Politi, PhD
- Phone: 314-747-1967
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Professor of Surgery
Division of Public Health Sciences, Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
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Dr. Politi is a health psychologist and Professor in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University School of Medicine. Her primary research interests include health communication and shared decision making. Her work helps patients and the public understand health information, explore what is important to them when making health decisions, and collaborate to make evidence-informed decisions that meet their needs. She also trains health care professionals, public health advocates, and members of the public interested in shared decision-making and patient engagement. Dr. Politi works extensively with stakeholders to ensure her research is relevant to end users in clinical and community settings.
- Soltys, F, Philpott-Streiff, S, Fuzzell, N & Politi, MC. (2019). The Importance of Shared Decision-Making in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Journal of Perinatology. 40(3):504-509.
- Politi MC, Yen RW, Elwyn G, Kurien, N., Czerwinski, S.G., Schubbe, D., Saunders, C.H., Durand, M-A (2020). Encounter decision aids can prompt breast cancer surgery cost discussions: Analysis of recorded consultations. Medical Decision Making, 40(1):62-71. doi: 10.1177/0272989X19893308
- Politi, MC, Grant, RL, George, NP, Barker, AR, James, AS, Kuroki, LM, McBride, TD, Liu, J, & Goodwin, CM (2020). Improving Cancer Patients’ Insurance Choices (I Can PIC): A randomized trial of a personalized health insurance decision aid. The Oncologist; 25:609–619. PMCID: PMC7356712
- Phelan, PS, Politi, MC, & Dy, CJ (2020). How Should The Recovery Process Be Shared Between Patients and Clinicians? AMA Journal of Ethics 22(5):E380-387. doi:10.1001/amajethics.2020.380
- Butler, A.M., Grabinski, V.F., Boloker, G.D., Newland, J.D., & Politi, M.C. (2020). A Qualitative Study Examining Pediatric Clinicians’ Perceptions of Delayed Vaccine Schedules. Vaccine. 38(30):4740-4746. PMCID: PMC7282958
- Politi, M.C., Yen, R.W., Elwyn, G., O’Malley, A.J., Saunders, C.H., Schubbe, D., Forcino, F., & Durand, M-A. (2021). Women who are young, non-white, and with lower socioeconomic status report higher financial toxicity up to one year after breast cancer surgery: a mixed-effects regression analysis. The Oncologist, 26(1), e142-e152. . PMCID: PMC7794185
- Coughlin, C.C. & Politi, MC (2021). Shared decision-making in dermatologic care: A call for more training and resources. JAMA Dermatology, 157(3): 271-272.
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