With Thad Hall. “A Connected America: Politics in the Era of Social Media” Oxford University Press, 2019
Betsy Sinclair. “The Social Citizen: Peer Networks and Political Behavior “ (Chicago Studies in American Politics) 2012
Boston, Josh, Jonathan Homola, Betsy Sinclair, Michelle Torres, ad Patrick Tucker. ``The Dynamic Relationship between Personality Stability and Political Attitudes.” Public Opinion Quarterly.
Benjamin, D. J., Berger, J. O., Johannesson, M., Nosek, B.A., Wagenmakers, E. et al. 2017. ``Redefine Statistical Significance.” Nature Human Behavior.
Monroe, Burt L, Jennifer Pan, Margaret E Roberts, Maya Sen, and Betsy Sinclair. 2015. “No! Formal Theory, Causal Inference, and Big Data Are Not Contradictory Trends in Political Science.” Ps: Political Science and Politics 48 (1): 71-74.
Betsy Sinclair, Margaret McConnell and Donald P. Green. 2012. “Detecting Spillover in Social Networks: Design and Analysis of Multi-level Experiments.” American Journal of Political Science 56(4): 1055-1069.
Betsy Sinclair, Margaret A. McConnell and Melissa R. Michelson. 2012. “Local Canvassing and Social Pressure: The Efficacy of Grassroots Voter Mobilization.” Political Communication 30 (1): 42-57.
Jon Rogowski and Betsy Sinclair. 2012. “Estimating the Causal Effects of Social Interaction with Endogenous Networks.” Political Analysis 20(3).
R. Michael Alvarez and Betsy Sinclair. 2012. “Electoral Institutions and Legislative Behavior: The Effects of Primary Processes.” Political Research Quarterly 65(2).
Betsy Sinclair, Thad E. Hall and R. Michael Alvarez. 2011. “Flooding the Vote: Hurricane Katrina and Voter Participation in New Orleans.” American Politics Research 39(5):921-957.
James H. Fowler, Michael T. Heaney, David W. Nickerson, John F. Padgett, and Betsy Sinclair. 2011. “Causality in Political Networks.” American Politics Research 39(2):437-480.
Thad E. Hall and Betsy Sinclair. 2011. “The American Internet Voter.” The Journal of Political Marketing 101(1-2):58-79.
Julia Eaton, Anant Godbole and Betsy Sinclair. 2010. `Competition Between Discrete Random Variables, with Applications to Occupancy Problems.” The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 140: 2204-2212.
R. Michael Alvarez, Asa Hopkins and Betsy Sinclair. 2010. ``Mobilizing Pasadena Democrats: Measuring the Effects of Partisan Campaign Contacts.” The Journal of Politics 72 (1): 31-44.
R. Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall and Betsy Sinclair. 2008. “Whose Absentee Votes are Counted: The Variety and Use of Absentee Ballots in California.” Electoral Studies 27 (4): 673-683.
R. Michael Alvarez, Betsy Sinclair and Richard L. Hasen. 2006. “How Much is Enough? The “Ballot Order Effect” and the Use of Social Science Research in Election Law Disputes.” Election Law Journal 5 (1): 40-56.
Betsy Sinclair and R. Michael Alvarez. 2004. “Who Overvotes, Who Undervotes, Using Punchcards? Evidence from Los Angeles County.” Political Research Quarterly 57 (1): 15-25.
Book Chapters
Steven Smith, Patrick D Tucker, and Betsy Sinclair. 2017. “The Fragile Trump Coalition.” In Samuel Kernell and Steven S. Smith, eds., The Principles and Practice of American Politics, 7th ed. CQ Press.
Betsy Sinclair. 2011. “Design and Analysis of Experiments in Multi-level Contexts.” Experimental Handbook Ed. Jamie Druckman, Donald P. Green and Skip Lupia. Cambridge.
Michael Alvarez, D. Roderick Kiewiet, Betsy Sinclair. 2006. “Rational Voters and the Recall Election.” Clicker Politics Ed. Shaun Bowler and Bruce Cain. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Michael Alvarez, Betsy Sinclair, Catherine H. Wilson. 2004. “Counting Ballots in the 2000 Election: What Went Wrong?” Rethinking the Vote Ed. Ann N. Crigler, Marion R. Just and Edward J. McCaffery. New York: Oxford University Press.