Weekly 28

Both members showed the lab tech the prototype demo. The lab tech-filled out a google form, though they did not go into as much detail as the team hoped. Both members are now working on the final report. 

Week 27

Both members are working on the final report and are updating their progress on lab archives. MH tested the algorithm on 20+ alginate bead images and found an 18 gauge needle with 0.6 bar N2 pressure produces better bead homogeneity than other bead-making methods. BG is working on the design safe analysis. Both members will […]

Weekly 25

MH: 80% complete with code for dead/alive counting, written in python. He is now trying to figure out how to create a .exe file or another convenient way for a researcher to use the algorithm. He also realized the instance segmentation algorithm could be used to help count dead/alive cells, but he needs data from […]

Weekly 24

MH: reviewed semantic segmentation algorithm for dead/alive counting over the break. BG: Worked on poster abstract.

Weekly 23

BG: Prepare for the VV presentation, update the Lab Archives, segregate the bead images intoseparate files according to their sizeMH: Working on the software, test more images, try to fix the flaws that the currentprototype has.

Weekly 21

BG: Generated more images of the beads to analyze them and to test the software,worked on the V&V report, met with the client, met with the instructor. MH: Worked on the software prototype, updated the client, generated a histogramfor showing data to the client

Weekly 22

We met with Dr. Klaesner to discuss the VV report. BG will do the VV presentation. 

Weekly 19

BG: Working on creating alginate beads and taking more pictures, working on V&V report, met with instructor. MH: working on software to calculate the bead size to show the client, working on the V&V report.

Weekly 18

Met with the instructor, MH showed results for Alginate bead segmentation. The next step is displaying histograms and hopefully, the client will release data on Alginate-Beads w/beta-cells included. 

Weekly 17

We met with the instructor and the client this week to clarify the report and project. Will now start the V&V report. MH is setting up the processing pipeline starting with Alginate bead segmentation. 

Weekly 18

Met with instructor, MH showed results for Alginate bead segmentation. The next step is displaying histograms and hopefully the client will release data on Alginate-Beads w/beta-cells included. 

Weekly 20

MH: is planning on finishing the Alginate bead prototype by this Sunday. BG is collecting 10 high-quality alginate bead images for MH to analyze and to display histogram content. We hope to discuss FDA approval next week for the report. We then hope after MH finishes the initial prototype, the client will give us data […]

Weekly 13

Bhumika: Progress report being revised over the break. Mohammad: Revising progress report over the break. 

Week 12

Bhumika:  Researched on Design Alternatives for Progress report  Did experiment with 22-gauge needle and 0.6bar pressure  Encapsulated the alginate beads with HEK cells  Stained them (live/dead) and took images, and uploaded them on Lab Archives.  Mohammad: Writing up progress report and pugh chart for software. Met with Dr. Klaesner last week.  

Weekly 11

Mohammad: Finished Design Alternatives. Met with Dr. Klaesner for feedback. Starting on chosen solution for software.  Bhumika: Also working on progress report and met with Dr. Klaesner. Working on pugh chart and will be meeting with Mohammad Wednesday next week to go over the chart. Revising report based on advice from Dr. Klaesner. 

Weekly 10

Bhumika -Did experiments at 0.8bar pressure using 20g needle -Learnt to use the new microscope -Used it to take around 20 images -Researched for the progress report paper Mohammad -Analyzed the beads -Worked on design specs for the progress report -Worked on the Pugh chart

Weekly 9

Mohammad: Working on progress report design alternatives.  Bhumika: Working on progress report design alternatives.

Weekly 8

Mohammad: Generating software ideas, all posted on lab notebooks. Got new images from Bhumika, but they only contain alginate beads. The images are very sharp, which is nice. Tons of overlap between cells. New questions were generated for the client.  Bhumika: Added more images, working in the lab.

Weekly Report 7

MH: Initiating progress report, started pugh chart, and figured out a good algorithm/pipeline to solve dead/alive beads. Still need to ponder about a design for Alginate Bead segmentation. BG: More lab work, starting to get image data.

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