Yasaman Ansari

Yasaman Ansari

Master of Science in Imaging Science, Candidate

Yasaman is investigating the best procedure to embed informative behavioral tasks within standard Minecraft gameplay.

Dennis L Barbour, MD, PhD

Dennis L Barbour, MD, PhD

Department of Biomedical Engineering
MD, PhD, Johns Hopkins, 2003
BEE, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1995

Jake Browning

Jake Browning

Bachelor and Master's of Science in Computer Science and Math, Candidate

Jake is working on updating and evaluating machine learning contrast sensitivity function estimators.

Carrie Cao

Carrie Cao

Carrie is working to acquire behavioral data in children operating in interactive virtual worlds.

Robert Kasumba

Robert Kasumba

Master of Science in Computer Science, Doctor of Data Science Candidate

Robert is working to implement Distributional Active LEarning for tests of cognition.

Mark Lu

Mark Lu

Doctor of Science in Computer Science, Candidate

Mark is building out the behavioral task dictionary to enable behavioral quantification in interactive virtual worlds.

Dominic Marticorena

Dominic Marticorena

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, Candidate

Dom is working to enable any behavioral task sequence within interactive virtual worlds to be informative about underlying cognitive processes.

Ken Wilbur

Ken Wilbur

Bachelor of Computer Science and Applied Math, Candidate

Ken is working to evaluate and extend the capabilities of machine learning contrast sensitivity function estimators.

Quinn Wai Wong

Quinn Wai Wong

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Quinn Wai is working to evaluate the lab's machine learning contrast sensitivity function estimator.

Zhiting (Tina) Zhou

Zhiting (Tina) Zhou

Bachelor's and Master's of Computer Engineering, Candidate

Zhiting is extending the machine learning contrast sensitivity estimator to include other related data streams.