Ammar Hawasli, MD, PhD

Ammar Hawasli, MD, PhD

Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy in Neuroscience, 2009

Ammar investigated the origins of oscillatory activity in human brain networks.

He went on to become a neurosurgeon in private practice.

Noah Ledbetter, PhD

Noah Ledbetter, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2011

Noah explored the possibility of reorganizing neural circuits for improved function using electrical stimulation and novel video game design.

He went on to a career in entrepreneurship education and software engineering.

Danish Nagda

Danish Nagda

Doctor of Medicine, 2014

Danish explored automated methods of hearing assessments.

He went on to become a healthcare entrepreneur.

Julia (Feld) Strand, MS, PhD

Julia (Feld) Strand, MS, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, 2010

Julia investigated audiovisual integration useful for improving recognition of speech in noise.

She went on to become a professor in Psychology at Carleton College.