Bryan Cai, BS

Bryan Cai, BS

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Finance, 2016

Bryan worked on commercializing early speech perception brain training games.

He went on to pursue an MBA at the Wharton School.

Nalin Katta, MBA, PhD

Nalin Katta, MBA, PhD

Master of Business Administration, 2013; Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2017

Nalin worked as a doctoral rotation student in Summer 2010 on physiological measurement techniques to successfully map cortical topographies.

He went on to a PhD in biomedical engineering and an MBA.

Maisie Mahoney, BS

Maisie Mahoney, BS

Maisie worked in the lab during Spring 2015 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate.

She went on to a career in data analytics.