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Cate Jiang, BS

Bachelor of Science in Biology and Computer Science, 2019

Cate worked on identifying predictors of outcomes in pediatric brain tumor patients.

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Austin Jones

Austin worked in the lab from Summer 2007 through Fall 2008 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate.

Robert Kasumba

Robert Kasumba

Master of Science in Computer Science, Doctor of Data Science Candidate

Robert is working to implement Distributional Active LEarning for tests of cognition.

Nalin Katta, MBA, PhD

Nalin Katta, MBA, PhD

Master of Business Administration, 2013; Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2017

Nalin worked as a doctoral rotation student in Summer 2010 on physiological measurement techniques to successfully map cortical topographies.

He went on to a PhD in biomedical engineering and an MBA.

Patrick Kelly, MD

Patrick Kelly, MD

Pat worked in the lab from Spring 2009 through Spring 2011 on computational modeling of action potential initiation.

He went on to purse an MD at Vanderbilt University and specialize in neurosurgery.

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Ranjan Khan

Ranjan worked in the lab during Fall 2009 as a biomedical engineering doctoral rotation student.

Nathaniel Killian, PhD

Nathaniel Killian, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2013

Nathan Killian worked in the lab from Fall 2005 through Spring 2007 on noise reduction strategies for cochlear implants.

He went on to pursue a PhD in biomedical engineering at Georgia Tech and established a neuroscience research career as a professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

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Woosung Kim, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, 2012

Woosung worked in the lab from Fall 2006 through Fall 2009 as an electrical engineering doctoral student on decoding speech sounds from electrocorticography recordings in humans.

He went on to complete his doctorate and pursue a career in software engineering.

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Vanessa Kleckner

Vanessa worked in the lab during Summer 2010 as a C-SURE student researching the implementation of logic gates in an artificial neural network.

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Kim Kocher

Kim worked in the lab from Spring 2007 through Summer 2014 as a technician.

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Jason Komp

Jason worked in the lab during the Summer of 2007 as an MD/PhD rotation student

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Bill Krekeler, MS

Bill worked in the lab from Fall 2005 through Spring 2008 as a biomedical engineering doctoral student on brain computer interfaces to induce targeted neuroplasticity.

He went on to a career in data science.

Abigail Kressner, PhD

Abigail Kressner, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering, 2015

Abbie worked in the lab as an undergraduate student from Spring 2005 to Spring 2006 on virtual acoustic motion perception.

She went on to pursue a PhD in electrical engineering at Georgia Tech and has established an auditory research career as a professor at the Technical University of Denmark.

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Karthik Krishnan

Karthik worked in the lab from Spring 2012 to Spring 2014 as a biology / biomedical engineering undergraduate.

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Arie Krumholtz

Arie worked in the lab during Fall 2008 as a biomedical engineering doctoral rotation student

Jan Kubánek, PhD

Jan Kubánek, PhD

Jan worked in the lab during Spring 2008 as a biomedical engineering doctoral rotation student.

Jan went on to an academic career in biomedical engineering and neuroscience as a professor at University of Utah.

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Theja Lanka

Theja worked in the lab during Summer, 2010, as a biomedical engineering undergraduate on the shape of hidden neural network layer input-output functions under constraints of encoding matching the perceptual output of the auditory system.

Trevor Larsen, MS

Trevor Larsen, MS

Master of Science in Computer Science, 2019

Trevor evaluated the efficiency of Bayesian active model selection for audiometric diagnoses.

He went on to a career in healthcare data science.

Noah Ledbetter, PhD

Noah Ledbetter, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2011

Noah explored the possibility of reorganizing neural circuits for improved function using electrical stimulation and novel video game design.

He went on to a career in entrepreneurship education and software engineering.

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Zach Levko

Zach worked in the lab during Summer 2009 as a Research Experience for Undergraduates student.

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Chao Li

Chao worked in the lab during Summer 2011 as a biomedical engineering doctoral rotation student working on the coding of noisy vocalizations in the auditory cortex.

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Xiaoteng (Adam) Liu

Xiaoteng (Adam) worked in the lab during Summer 2010 as a neuroscience / computer science undergraduate on the role of neuronal correlation in intensity coding in auditory cortex.

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Qihan Long, MS

Master of Science in Computer Science, 2014

Qihan coded for our brain training video games.

He went on to a career as a software developer.

Mark Lu

Mark Lu

Doctor of Science in Computer Science, Candidate

Mark is building out the behavioral task dictionary to enable behavioral quantification in interactive virtual worlds.

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Ely Macaraeg

Ely helped build the lab during Summer 2004.

Pranav Maddula, BS

Pranav Maddula, BS

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering, 2021

Pranav worked on incorporating extra testing variables into Bayesian active learning procedures for efficient cognitive testing.

He has gone on to a career in management consulting.

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Rogan Magee

Rogan worked in the lab during Summer 2012 as a C-SURE student.

Maisie Mahoney, BS

Maisie Mahoney, BS

Maisie worked in the lab during Spring 2015 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate.

She went on to a career in data analytics.

Elli Marongelli, PhD

Elli Marongelli, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2013

Elli worked in the lab during Summer 2010 as a biomedical engineering doctoral rotation student.

She went on to complete her doctoral degree and pursue a career as a data scientist.

Dominic Marticorena

Dominic Marticorena

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, Candidate

Dom is working to enable any behavioral task sequence within interactive virtual worlds to be informative about underlying cognitive processes.

Jaime McCoin, PhD

Jaime McCoin, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering

Jaime worked in the lab from Fall 2006 through Spring 2008 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate student.

She went on to complete a doctorate in biomedical engineering at Case Western Reserve University and pursue a career in medical device development.

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Austin McCullough

Austin worked in the lab Fall 2015 as a neuroscience doctoral rotation student.

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James McHugh

James worked in the lab during Summer 2015 as a computer science undergraduate.

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Aaron McLaughlin

Aaron worked in the lab from Fall 2009 through Spring 2010 as a BME undergraduate student.

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Nikki Metzger

Nikki worked in the lab Summer 2016 through Summer 2017 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate on validating machine learning audiometry against standard psychometric curve estimation.

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Danny Munroe

Danny worked in the lab Spring 2014 as a computer science undergraduate.

Danish Nagda

Danish Nagda

Doctor of Medicine, 2014

Danish explored automated methods of hearing assessments.

He went on to become a healthcare entrepreneur.

Ruiye Ni, PhD

Ruiye Ni, PhD

Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering, 2016

Ruiye investigated the encoding of vocalizations in the auditory system.

She went on to a career in data science.

Nikki Pendleton, AuD

Nikki Pendleton, AuD

Doctor of Audiology, 2020

Nikki investigated the effects of dialysis on hearing thresholds in patients with kidney failure.

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Randolph Qian

Randolph worked in the lab from Fall 2014 through Spring 2015 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate.

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Shruti Ramalingam

Shruti worked in the lab Summer 2018 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate.

Priscilla Ramirez

Priscilla Ramirez

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Candidate

Priscilla created accessible explanations for complicated cognitive models suitable for wide audiences.

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Kristy Ratkowski, MD

Kristy worked in the lab from Summer 2009 through Summer 2010 as a lab technician on establishing stable neurotrophin concentrations in vitro and decoding human electrocorticography signals.

She went on to a career in medicine.

Lyla Renwick-Archibold

Lyla Renwick-Archibold

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, Candidate

Lyla explored how to ensure the machine learning tools the lab is developing are deployed equitably.

Mariluz Rojo

Mariluz Rojo

Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering

Mariluz is working on discerning trends in population executive function tests to construct prior beliefs for Bayesian active learning tests of cognition.

As of Fall, 2023 Mariluz is a doctoral candidate in biomedical engineering at the University of California, San Diego.

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David Rubins

David worked in the lab during Fall 2010 as a medical student on noise encoding in auditory cortex.

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Ben Sass

Ben worked in the lab Spring 2014 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate on auditory perceptual training.

Brittany Scheid

Brittany Scheid

Brittany worked in the lab Fall 2012 through Spring 2014 as a biomedical engineering undergraduate on auditory perceptual training.

She went on to pursue a doctorate in biomedical engineering at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Lauren Seidman

Lauren worked in the lab during Fall 2021 as a psychology undergraduate on equitable and accessible diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in school-age children.

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Shohaib Shaffiey

Master of Science in Computer Science

Shohaib worked to bring Bayesian active learning to visual contrast sensitivity functions.