As stated in the Home page, our project was to get our PiCar to autonomously navigate around a given circuit. The circuit is shown in the figure below.
To achieve autonomous capabilities, we had to implement a Raspberry Pi, a Pihat, and several different sensors (these are shown on the Methods page). This involved stripping the Rustler car of its original driving method and instead hooking up the motor and servo to our Pi/Pihat. The original Rustler car has many parts that will help us achieve high speeds and rapid turns, which are shown in the figure below.
In order to control the speed, the original controller (ESC) had to be connected to the motor and our Pi. This would allow the Pi to input our desired speed into the ESC, which then controlled the motor. To control the steering, we connected our Pi to the servo, where the Pi would be able to directly input desired steering values. The wiring diagram for the motor and servo are shown in the figure below.