Conference Location

Eric P. Newman Education Center, Auditorium
Washington University School of Medicine
320 S Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110


Nearby hotels



If you prefer to travel by taxi, the approximate fare to the nearby hotels above from St. Louis Lambert International Airport is about $34 one-way. Exact fares depend on final destination. Each taxi will have an Airport Use Fee of $4.00 per pickup.

Airport Taxi Zones:

  • Terminal 1:  Exit Door 14 to Garage Yellow Level
  • Terminal 2:  Exit Door 12


From St. Louis Lambert International Airport to nearby hotels

Reservations must be made online.  UberX fare approximately $34 one-way; Lyft approximately $35 one-way

Uber and Lyft Passenger Pick-Up Areas

  • Terminal 1:  Exit 17 curbside
  • Terminal 2:  Exit 12 or 14- roadway island

MetroLink Light Rail System

For a minimal fee, you can get to the Parkway Hotel and various places throughout St. Louis.

Depart train at the Central West End stop.  Once off the MetroLink, take a right on the sidewalk.  Walk past the Eric P. Newman Education Center and past the St. Louis College of Pharmacy.  The Parkway Hotel is on the corner of Euclid and Forest Park Ave.

MetroLink map

MetroLink schedule

Things to do / Attractions in St. Louis