Click on the citation for a link to the publication, or contact Prof. Catalano for a reprint.

Mitra K., Catalano J.G., Bahl Y., Hurowitz J.A. (2023) Iron sulfide weathering by oxyhalogen species: Implications for iron sulfate and (oxyhydr)oxides formation on Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 624, 118464.

Satpathy A., Sharma N., Pan W., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2023) Exchange between dissolved U(VI) and adsorbed and precipitated forms of solid-associated U. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7, 1528-1535.

Liu H., Lu X., Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2023) Fate of arsenic during the interactions between Mn-substituted goethite and dissolved Fe(II). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 356, 1-13.

Kupper R.J., Zhou N., Chan C.S., Thompson A., Catalano J.G. (2023) Oxidation rates and redox stabilization of ferrous iron in trioctahedral smectites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 355, 282-300.

Sharma N., Yan J., Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2023) Solid-water partitioning and speciation of trace metal micronutrients in wetland soils and stream sediments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 7, 1269-1280.

Zhang K., Ho, K.-P., Chatterjee A., Park G., Li Z., Catalano J.G., Parker K.M.(2023) RNA hydrolysis at mineral-water interfaces. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 8280-8288.

Mitra K., Moreland E.L., Ledingham G.J., Catalano J.G. (2023) Manganese oxides record active halogen cycling and not atmospheric oxygen on early Mars. Nature Geoscience 16, 133-139.

Zhou N., Kupper R.J., Catalano J.G., Thompson A., Chan C.S. (2022) Biological oxidation of Fe(II)-bearing smectite by microaerophilic Fe-oxidizer Sideroxydans lithotrophicusEnvironmental Science & Technology56, 17443-17453.

Ledingham G.J., Pan W., Giammar D.E., Catalano J.G. (2022) Exchange of adsorbed Pb(II) at the rutile surface: Rates and mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 12169-12178.

Pan W., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2022) Redox-driven recrystallization of PbO2Environmental Science & Technology 56, 7864-7872.

Sharma N., Wang Z., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2022) Dynamic response of trace metal bioaccessibility to fluctuating redox conditions in wetland soils and stream sediments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6, 1331-1344.

Sharma N., Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2022) Copper availability governs nitrous oxide accumulation in wetland soils and stream sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 327, 96-115. [Preprint at EartArXiv]

Satpathy A., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2022) Reduction of U(VI) on chemically reduced montmorillonite and surface complexation modeling of adsorbed U(IV). Environmental Science & Technology 56, 4111-4120.

Bae Y., Crompton N.M., Sharma N., Yuan Y., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2022) Impact of dissolved oxygen and pH on the removal of selenium from water by iron electrocoagulation. Water Research 213, 118159.

Mitra K., Moreland E.L., Knight A.L., Catalano J.G. (2022) Rates and products of iron oxidation by chlorate at low temperature (0 to 25°C) and implications for Mars geochemistry. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 6, 250-260.

Yan J., Frierdich A.J., Catalano J.G. (2022) Impact of Zn substitution on Fe(II)-induced ferrihydrite transformation pathways. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 320, 143-160. [Preprint at EarthArXiv]

Hughes M.N., Arvidson R.E., Dietrich W.E., Lamb M.P., Catalano J.G., Grotzinger J.P., Bryk A.B. (2022) Canyon wall and floor debris deposits in Aeolis Mons, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127, e2021JE006848.

Tamijani A.A., Augusting L.J., Bjorklund J.L., Catalano J.G., Mason S.E. (2022) First-principles characterisation and comparison of clean, hydrated, and defect α-Al2O3 and α‑Fe2O3 (110) surfaces. Molecular Simulation 48, 247-263.

Yan J., Sharma N., Flynn E.D., Giammar D.E., Schwartz G.E., Brooks S.C., Weisenhorn P., Kemner K.M., O’Loughlin E.J., Kaplan D.I., Catalano J.G. (2022) Consistent controls on trace metal micronutrient speciation in wetland soils and stream sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 317, 234-254. [Preprint at EarthArXiv]

Xu T., Wang Q., Wang Z., Catalano J.G. (2021) Effects of phosphate competition on arsenate binding to aluminum hydroxide surfaces. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5, 3140-3149.

Pan W., Ledingham G.J., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2021) Effects of Cu(II) and Zn(II) on PbO2 reductive dissolution at drinking water conditions: Short term inhibition and long term enhancement. Environmental Science & Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04887.

Brantley S.L., Wen T., Agarwal D., Catalano J.G., Schroeder P.A., Lehnert K., Varadharajan C., Pett-Ridge J., Engle M., Castronova A.M., Hooper R.P., Ma X., Jin L., McHenry K., Aronson E., Shaughnessy A.R., Derry L.A., Richardson J., Bales J., Pierce E.M. (2021) The future low-temperature geochemical data-scape as envisioned by the U.S. geochemical community. Computers and Geosciences 157, 104993. [Preprint at EarthArXiv]

Mergelsberg S.T., Prange M.P., Song D., Bylaska E.J., Saslow S.A., Catalano J.G., Ilton E.S. (2021) Resolving configurational disorder for impurities in a low-entropy phase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 5689-5694.

Fox V.K., Kupper R.J., Ehlmann B.L., Catalano J.G., Razzell-Hollis J., Abbey W., Schild D.J., Nickerson R.D., Peters J., Bhartia R. (2021) Synthesis and characterization of Fe(III)-Fe(II)-Mg-Al smectite solid solutions and implications for planetary science. American Mineralogist 106, 964-982.

Tamijani A.A., Bjorklund J.L., Augustine L.J., Catalano J.G., Mason S.E. (2020) Density functional theory and thermodynamics of inner-sphere oxyanion adsorption on the hydroxylated α-Al2O3(001) surface. Langmuir 36, 13166-13180.

Mitra K., Moreland E.L., Catalano J.G. (2020) Capacity of chlorate to oxidize ferrous iron: Implications for iron oxide formation on Mars. Minerals 10, 729. [Contributed to special issue “Expanding Views of Clays, Oxides, and Evaporites on Aquaplanets in the Solar System”, Guest Editors Y. Sekine, E.B. Rampe, K. Fukushi]

Fraeman A.A., Edgar L.A., Rampe E.B., Thompson L.M., Frydenvang J., Fedo C.M., Catalano J.G., Dietrich W.E., Gabriel T.S.J., Vasavada A.R., Grotzinger J.P., L’Haridon J., Mangold N., Sun V.Z., House C.H., Bryk A.B., Hardgrove C., Czarnecki S., Stack K.M., Morris R.V., Arvidson R.E., Banham S.G., Bennett K.A., Bridges J.C., Edwards C.S., Fischer W.W., Fox V.K., Gupta S., Horgan B.H.N., Jacob S.R., Johnson J.R., Johnson S.S., Rubin D.M., Salvatore M.R., Schwenzer S.P., Siebach K.L., Stein N.T., Turner S., Wellington D.F., Wiens R.C., Williams A.J., David G., Wong G.M. (2020) Evidence for a diagenetic origin of Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars: Summary and synthesis of Curiosity’s exploration campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125, e2020JE006527.

Bylaska E.J., Catalano J.G., Mergelsburg S.T., Saslow S.A., Qafoku O., Prange M.P., Ilton E.S. (2019) The association of defects and zinc in hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 13687-13694.

Mitra K., Catalano J.G. (2019) Chlorate as a potential oxidant on Mars: Rates and products of dissolved Fe(II) oxidation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124, 2893-2916. [Received Editor’s Highlight in Eos, “Why Is the Red Planet Red? Chlorate May Oxidize Mars’ Surface”]

Richardson J.A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A., Webb S.M., Rose C.V., Catalano J.G., Fike D.A. (2019) The source of sulfate in brachiopod calcite: Insights from µ-XRF imaging and XANES spectroscopy. Chemical Geology 529, 119328.

Minghetti M., Dudefoi W., Ma Q., Catalano J.G. (2019) Emerging investigator series: Linking chemical transformations of silver and silver nanoparticles in the extracellular and intracellular environment to their bio-reactivity. Environmental Science: Nano 6, 2948-2957.

Rose C.V., Webb S.M., Newville M., Lanzirotti A., Richardson J.A., Tosca N.J., Catalano J.G., Bradley A.S., Fike D.A. (2019) Insights into past ocean proxies from micron-scale mapping of sulfur species in carbonates. Geology 47, 833-837.

Richardson J.A., Newville M., Lanzirotti A., Webb S.M., Rose C.V., Catalano J.G., Fike D.A. (2019) Depositional and diagenetic constraints on the abundance and spatial variability of carbonate-associated sulfate. Chemical Geology 523, 59-72.

Gavrilenko M., Krawczynski M., Ruprecht P., Li W., Catalano J.G. (2019) The quench control of water estimates in convergent margin magmas. American Mineralogist 104, 936-948.

Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2019) Reductive transformations of layered manganese oxides by small organic acids and the fate of trace metals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 250, 149-172.

Pan C., Liu H., Catalano J.G., Wang Z., Qian A., Giammar, D.E. (2019) Understanding the roles of dissolution and diffusion in Cr(OH)3 oxidation by δ-MnO2ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 3, 357-365.

Xu T., Stubbs J.E., Eng P.J., Catalano J.G. (2019) Comparative response of interfacial water structure to pH variations and arsenate adsorption on corundum (012) and (001) surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 249, 406-418.

Harmon K.J., Chen Y., Bylaska E.J., Catalano, J.G., Bedzyk M.J., Weare J.H., Fenter P. (2018) Insights on the alumina-water interface structure by direct comparison of density functional simulations with X-ray reflectivity. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 26934-26944.

Xu T., Eng P.J., Stubbs J.E., Catalano J.G. (2018) Response of interfacial water to arsenate adsorption on corundum (001) surfaces: Effects of pH and adsorbate surface coverage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 238, 198-212.

Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2018) Influence of oxalate on Ni fate during Fe(II)-catalyzed recrystallization of hematite and goethite. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 6920-6927.

Arvidson R.E., Catalano J.G. (2018) Martian habitability as inferred from landed mission observations. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars (eds. N. A. Cabrol and E. A. Grin), Elsevier: Amsterdam, Chapter 4, pp. 77-126.

Stein N.T., Arvidson R.E., O’Sullivan J.A., Catalano J.G., Guinness E.A., Politte D.V., Gellert R., VanBommel S.J. (2018) Retrieval of compositional endmembers from Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity observations in a soil-filled fracture in Marathon Valley, Endeavour crater rim. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123, 278-290.

Xu T., Catalano J.G. (2018) Effects of ionic strength on arsenate adsorption at aluminum hydroxide-water interface. Soil Systems 2, 1. [Invited contribution to special issue “Soil Processes Controlling Contaminant Dynamics”]

Lützenkirchen J., Franks G.V., Plaschke M., Zimmermann R., Heberling F., Abdelmonem A., Darbha G.K., Schild D., Filby A., Eng P., Catalano J.G., Rosenqvist J., Preocanin T., Aytug T., Zhang D., Gan Y., Braunschweig B. (2018) The surface chemistry of sapphire-c: A literature review and a study on various factors influencing its IEP. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 251, 1-25.

Liu Y., Arvidson R.E., Catalano J.G., Wang A. (2018) Spectral and stratigraphic mapping of hydrated minerals associated with interior layered deposits near the southern wall of Melas Chasma, Mars. Icarus 302, 62-79.

Chemtob S.M., Nickerson R.D., Morris R.V., Agresti D.G., Catalano J.G. (2017) Oxidative alteration of ferrous smectites and implications for the redox evolution of early Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122, 2469-2488.

Pan C., Liu H., Catalano J.G., Qian A., Wang Z., Giammar D.E. (2017) Rates of Cr(VI) generation from CrxFe1–x(OH)3 solids upon reaction with manganese oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 12416-12423.

Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2017) Competitive and cooperative effects during nickel adsorption to iron oxides in the presence of oxalate. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 9792-9799.

Gadol H.J., Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2017) Oxalate promotes trace-metal release from crystalline iron oxides under aerobic conditions. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 4, 311-315.

Pan C., Troyer L.D., Liao P, Catalano J.G., Li W., Giammar D.E. (2017) The effect of humic acid on the removal of chromium(VI) and the production of solids in iron electrocoagulation. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 6308-6318.

Li W., Troyer L.D., Lee S.S., Wu J., Kim C., Lafferty B.J., Catalano J.G., Fortner J.D. (2017) Engineering nanoscale iron oxides for uranyl sorption and separation: Optimization of particle core size and bilayer surface coatings. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 13163-13172.

Hinkle M.A.G., Dye K.G., Catalano J.G. (2017) Impact of Mn(II)-manganese oxide reactions on trace element fate. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 3187-3196.

Xu T., Catalano J.G. (2016) Impacts of surface site coordination on arsenate adsorption: Macroscopic uptake and binding mechanisms on aluminum hydroxide surfaces. Langmuir 32, 13261-13269.

Pan Z., Giammar D.E., Mehta V., Troyer L.D., Catalano J.G., Wang Z. (2016) Phosphate-induced immobilization of uranium in Hanford sediments. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 13486-13494.

Pan C., Troyer L.D., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2016) Dynamics of chromium(VI) removal from drinking water by iron electrocoagulation. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 13502-13510.

Li W., Mayo J.T., Benoit D.N., Troyer L.D., Lewicka Z.A., Lafferty B.J., Catalano J.G., Lee S.S., Colvin V.L., Fortner J.D. (2016) Engineered superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for ultra-enhanced uranium separation and sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4, 15022-15029.

Hinkle M.A.G., Flynn E.D., Catalano J.G. (2016) Structural response of phyllomanganates to wet aging and aqueous Mn(II). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 192, 220-234.

Fox V.K., Arvidson R.E., Guinness E.A., McLennan S.M., Catalano J.G., Murchie S.L., Powell K.E. (2016) Smectite Deposits in Marathon Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars, Identified Using CRISM Hyperspectral Reflectance Data. Geophysical Research Letters 43, 4885-4892.

Mehta V.S., Maillot F.M., Wang Z., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2016) Effect of reaction pathway on the extent and mechanism of uranium(VI) immobilization with calcium and phosphate. Environmental Science & Technology 50, 3128-3136.

Liu Y., Catalano J.G. (2016) Implications for the aqueous history of Southwest Melas Chasma, Mars as revealed by interbedded hydrated sulfate and Fe/Mg smectite deposits. Icarus 271, 283-291.

Arvidson R.E., Squyres S.W., R. V. Morris R.V., Knoll A.H., Gellert R., Clark B.C., Catalano J.G., Jolliff B.L., McLennan S.M., Herkenhoff K.E., Fischer W.W., Guinness E. A., Johnson J. R., Ming D. W., Grotzinger J.P., Bell J.F. III, Yen A.S., Farrand W.H., Fox V.K., Hinkle M.A.G., Golombek M.P., Calvin W., Ruff S., Rice J.W., Desouza P.A. Jr (2016) High Concentrations of Manganese and Sulfur in Deposits on Murray Ridge, Endeavour Crater, Mars. American Mineralogist 101, 1389-1405.

Troyer L.D., Maillot F., Wang Z., Mehta V.S., Wang Z., Giammar D.E., Catalano J.G. (2016) Effect of phosphate on U(VI) sorption to montmorillonite: Ternary complexation and precipitation barriers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 175, 86-99.

Lee S.S., Li W., Cho M., Catalano J.G., Lafferty B.J., Decuzzi P., Fortner J.D. (2015) Engineered manganese oxide nanocrystals for enhanced uranyl sorption and separation. Environmental Science: Nano 2, 500-508.

Hinkle M.A.G., Catalano J.G. (2015) Effect of phosphate and sulfate on Ni repartitioning during Fe(II)-catalyzed Fe(III) oxide mineral recrystallization. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 165, 62-74.

Chemtob S.M., Nickerson, R.D., Morris R.V., Agresti D.G., Catalano J.G. (2015) Synthesis and structural characterization of ferrous smectites: Implications for clay mineral genesis and detectability on Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 120, 1119-1140.

Hinkle M.A.G., Wang  Z., Giammar D.E., Catalano J.G. (2015) Interaction of Fe(II) with phosphate and sulfate on iron oxide surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 158, 130-146.

Arvidson R.E., Bell J.F., III, Catalano J.G., Clark B.C., Fox V.K., Gellert R., Grotzinger J.P., Guinness E.A., Herkenhoff K.E., Jolliff B.L., Knoll A.H., Lapotre M.G.A., McLennan S.M., Ming D.W., Morris R.V., Murchie S.L., Powell K.E., Smith M.D., Squyres S.W., Wang A., Wolff M.J., Wray J.J. (2015) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Opportunity observations of Burns formation and underlying strata: Crater hopping at Meridiani Planum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 120, 429-451.

Mehta V.S., Maillot F.M., Wang Z., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2015) Transport of U(VI) through sediments amended with phosphate to induce in situ uranium immobilization. Water Research 69, 307-317.

Arvidson R.E., Squyres S.W., Bell J.F., III, Catalano J.G., Clark B.C., Crumpler L.S., de Souza P.A., Jr., Fairén A.G., Farrand W.H., Fox V.K., Gellert R., Ghosh A., Golombek M.P., Grotzinger J.P., Guiness E.A., Herkenhoff K.E., Jolliff B.L., Knoll A.H., Li R., McLennan S.M., Ming D.W., Mittlefehldt D.W., Moore J.M., Morris R.V., Murchie S.L., Parker T.J., Paulsen G., Rice J.W., Ruff S.W., Smith M.D., Wolff M.J. (2014) Ancient aqueous environments at Endeavour Crater, Mars. Science 343, doi: 10.1126/science.1248097.

Mehta V.S., Maillot F., Wang Z., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2014) Effect of co-solutes on the products and solubility of uranium(VI) precipitated with phosphate. Chemical Geology 364, 66-75.

Catalano J.G. (2013) Thermodynamic and mass balance constraints on iron-bearing phyllosilicate formation and alteration pathways on early Mars.  Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 118, 2124–2136.

Fraeman A.A., Arvidson R.E., Catalano J.G., Grotzinger J., Morris R.V., Murchie S.L., Seelos F., Seelos K., Seelos K.D., McGovern J.A., Humm D.C., Stack K.M., Viviano C.E. (2013) A hematite-bearing layer in Gale Crater: Mapping and implications for past aqueous conditions. Geology 41, 1103-1106.

Wang Z., Lee, S.-W., Catalano J.G., Lezama-Pacheco J.S., Bargar J.R., Tebo B.M., Giammar D.E. (2012) Adsorption of uranium(VI) to manganese oxides: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and surface complexation modeling. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 850-858.

Catalano J.G., Huhmann B.L., Luo Y., Mitnick E.H., Slavney A., Giammar D.E. (2012) Metal release and speciation changes during wet aging of coal fly ashes. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 11804-11812.

Frierdich A.J., Catalano J.G. (2012) Fe(II)-mediated reduction and repartitioning of structurally incorporated Cu, Co, and Mn in iron oxides. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 11070-11077.

Hutchinson T.J., Basappa L., Dikshit A., Luo Y., Catalano J.G., Giammar D.E. (2012) Fate of metals in fly ash during aging in laboratory-scale ash ponds.  Environmental Engineering Science 29, 1085-1091.

Frierdich A.J., Rapponotti B.W., Scherer M.M., Bachman J.E., Engelhard M.H., Catalano J.G. (2012) Inhibition of trace element release during Fe(II)-activated recrystallization of Al-, Cr-, and Sn-substituted goethite and hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 46, 10031-10039.

Liu Y., Arvidson R.E., Wolff M.J., Mellon M.T., Catalano J.G., Wang A., Bishop J.L. (2012) Lambert albedo retrieval and analyses over Aram Chaos from OMEGA hyperspectral imaging data. Journal of Geophysical Research 117, E00J11.

Frierdich A.J., Catalano J.G. (2012) Distribution and speciation of trace elements in iron and manganese oxide cave deposits.  Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 91, 240-253.

Singh A., Catalano J.G., Ulrich K.-U., Giammar D.E. (2012) Molecular-scale structure of uranium(VI) immobilized with goethite and phosphate.  Environmental Science & Technology 46, 6594-6603.

Frierdich A.J., Catalano J.G. (2012) Controls on Fe(II)-activated trace element release from goethite and hematiteEnvironmental Science & Technology 46, 1519-1526.

Catalano J.G., Luo Y., Otemuyiwa B.T. (2011) Effect of aqueous Fe(II) on arsenate sorption on goethite and hematite. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 8826-8833.

Frierdich A.J., Luo Y., Catalano J.G.(2011) Trace element cycling through iron oxide minerals during redox-driven dynamic recrystallization. Geology 39, 1083-1086.

Luo Y., Giammar D.E., Huhmann B.L., Catalano J.G.(2011) Speciation of selenium, arsenic, and zinc in Class C fly ash. Energy & Fuels 25, 2980-2987.

Weinstein C., Moynier F., Wang K., Paniello R., Foriel J., Catalano J.G., Pichat S. (2011) Isotopic fractionation of Cu in plants. Chemical Geology 286, 266-271.

Frierdich A.J., Hasenmueller E.A., Catalano J.G.(2011) Composition and structure of nanocrystalline Fe and Mn oxide cave deposits: Implications for trace element mobility in karst systems. Chemical Geology 284, 82-96.

Catalano J.G. (2011) Weak interfacial water ordering on isostructural hematite and corundum (001) surfaces. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 2062-2071.

Cull S.C., Arvidson R.E., Catalano J.G., Ming D.W., Morris R.V., Mellon M.T., Lemmon M. (2010) Concentrated perchlorate at the Mars Phoenix landing site: Evidence for thin film liquid water on Mars. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L22203.

Arvidson R.A., Bell J.F., III, Bellutta P., Cabrol N.A., Catalano J.G., Cohen J., Crumpler L., Des Marais D.J., Estlin T., Farrand W., Gellert R., Grant J.A., Greenberger R., Guinness E.A., Herkenhoff K.E., Herman J.A., Iagnemma K., Johnson J.R., Klingelhöfer G., Li R., Lichtenberg K.A., Maxwell S., Ming D.W., Morris R.V., Rice M., Ruff S., Shaw A., Siebach K., de Souza P., Stroupe A., Squyres S.W., Sullivan R.J., Talley K., Townsend J., Wang A., Wright J., Yen A. (2010) Spirit Mars rover mission: Overview and selected results from the northern Home Plate winter haven to the side of Scamander crater. Journal of Geophysical Research 115, E00F03.

Fenter P., Lee S.S., Park C., Catalano J.G., Zhang Z., Sturchio N.C. (2010) Probing interfacial reactions with X-ray reflectivity and X-ray reflection interface microscopy: Influence of NaCl on the dissolution of orthoclase at pOH 2 and 85 °C. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 3396-3411.

Catalano J.G. (2010) Relaxations and interfacial water ordering at the corundum (110) surface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114, 6624-6630.

Catalano J.G., Fenter P., Park C., Zhang Z., Rosso K.M. (2010) Structure and oxidation state of hematite surfaces reacted with aqueous Fe(II) at acidic and neutral pH. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 74, 1498-1512.

Brown C.F., Serne J.R., Catalano J.G., Krupka K.M., Icenhower J.P. (2010) Mineralization of contaminant uranium and leach rates in sediments from Hanford, Washington. Applied Geochemistry 25, 97-104.

Catalano J.G., Park C., Fenter P., Zhang Z. (2008) Simultaneous inner- and outer-sphere arsenate adsorption on corundum and hematite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 1986-2004.

Catalano J.G., Park C., Fenter P. (2007) Interfacial water structure on the (012) surface of hematite: Ordering and reactivity in comparison with corundum. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 5313-5324.