• Source Data: Click the link to find the spreadsheet which contains the raw data.
  • Top 10 Authors: Click the link to find the top ten authors (by page count) for each volume and edition.
  • First 5 Authors: Click the link to find the first five authors in order of appearance for each volume and edition.
  • Type of Editions to Use: You can choose to isolate or compare a variety of anthology types among the Norton and Heath editions.  The “short” editions are the more compact versions of the “full” (N.B. Heath appears to have discontinued their short editions, while Norton continues to publish them).
  • Include > 1800/1820?: This allows you to choose whether to compare the data to the rest of the entire edition with post-1820 texts (N.B. only total page count is available from those post-1820 editions, not authors or demographics).
  • Feature to Chart: This allows you to choose a variety of demographic categories, which can then be further narrowed by selecting/deselecting the desired demographic options. 
  • For Authors and Titles: Multiple authors or titles can be selected and compared.
  • Adjust Author Demographics: This allows you to adjust demographic data for individual use (N.B. these are not permanent changes to the website’s data, only temporary for the user’s web session).