Research Interests: International Conflict, Territory, Borders, South Asia, GIS
Working Papers:
- “Whose Line is it Anyway? Border Imposition and Instability”. Under Review
- “Occupation, Statebuilding, and Political Participation”. (with William Nomikos, Mike Olson, and Jordon Newton).
Works in Progress:
- Payoffs of Peace: Public Opinion of Settled Territorial Disputes
- Borderlines and Party lines: The effect of borders on voting behavior in Brazil (With Raduan Meira).
- Social Media Reactions to US Withdrawal from Afghanistan. (with William Nomikos, Rex Deng, Dahjin Kim, Gechun Lin, and Ipek Sener). APSA Foreign Policy Section 2022 Best Paper Award
Other Publications
- “The Territorial Roots of Interstate Conflict“. SAIS Review of International Affairs, April 7, 2024.
- “Project 2025: Why South Asian Americans Should Be Concerned“. Khabar Magazine, September 2024. (with Sunita Parikh).