Description: “A development proposal for Alton, IL” focus development efforts on an empty lot in the city’s downtown corridor that borders the marina. The goal of this project is to elevate the experience of downtown and activating the marina by playing up Alton’s best feature. Its location in the “breadbasket” and the great outdoors! To do so, we propose the development of a mixed-use building that includes a rock-climbing gym, luxury dining facility, short term rentals, and traditional apartments. The site program caters to the adventurer and the creative class looking for something with a little bit of an edge.
Team Members: Teddy Levy; Yu Tang; Teresa Lu; Jennifer Wang; Tiffany Dockins
Work included in this document was produced by students in Metropolitan Development Fall 2020. This work was produced under the supervision the course instructor Ian Trivers ( The projects and final products may not be as comprehensive as would be expected from a similar report prepared by a professional. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, everything provided by Washington University including, without limitation, all technical material, advice, information, reports, data, and results, is provided “as is” and without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. Unless otherwise indicated, authors retain the ownership of all works they create. Please see the Copyright Agreement for additional details.