River City Redevelopment Ideas: Alton, Illinois
Alton, Illinois was the project site for two graduate Fall 2020 seminars at the Sam Fox School. In Metropolitan Development, a core course for the Master of Urban Design program, students concluded the class by bringing the curriculum on urban planning and real estate (among other topics) together into a proposals for mixed use projects on selected sites in downtown Alton. In River City Redevelopment, an elective course in Architecture, students brought their knowledge from investigating the relationship between rivers, cities, and redevelopment with an in-depth introduction to Alton to propose unique redevelopment interventions for the city. In both classes, the proposals seek to support an ongoing dialogue in Alton about its redevelopment and future. We hope you enjoy looking through the various proposals and that they help you engage with the future of Alton!
For more information about Sam Fox School programs, visit https://samfoxschool.wustl.edu/