Washington University’s Chemistry Professional Fraternity

The Alpha Epsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma was founded at Washington Univeristy in St. Louis in 1917. We are a professional co-ed chemistry fraternity with a focus of building a lasting bond between members and assisting them in their professional pursuits of science.

Meet our new Exec Board!

Congratulations to our new Executive Board: Master Alchemist – Sam Marcotte; Vice Master Alchemist – Ethan Wedge; Treasurer – John Park; Master of Ceremonies – Mason Leffler; Recorder – Julie Lampert; Reporter – Kejdi Kurti; Healthy & Safety Officer – Isabelle Hannula; Webmaster – Shamika Bhandarkar

Rush Alpha Chi Sigma! Spring 2022

Interested in joining WashU’s chemistry fraternity? Meet us in Wrighton Hall Room 301 on Tuesday, March 8th at 8:00PM! Fill out our interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScl-jeHUXhkqtkZQ8KUPCk5aE5FlZ729zIvod9EFEC1Z4T4NQ/viewform Questions? Email us at washuaxe@gmail.com

Welcome New Brothers!

We are excited to welcome six new brothers to the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma this Spring 2022 semester: Sarah Zubli, Mason Leffler, Kaylee Freid, Isabelle Hannula, Kejdi Kurti, and Emme Chanter.

Check us out on our social media!
