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- Physics 192, “Physics II”, Spring 2023
- Physics 173, “Physics of Sustainable Energy”, Fall 2022
- Physics 171, “Physics and Society”, Fall 2009-2021
- Physics 217, “Introduction to Quantum Physics I”, 2003-2005, 2008.
- Physics 318, “Introduction to Quantum Physics II”, 2004-2006.
List of corrections for Bernstein, Fishbane, Gasiorowicz’s “Modern Physics” textbook.
- Physics 474, “Introduction to Particle Physics”, 2003, 2007, 2008, 2011.
- Physics 524, “Graduate Quantum Mechanics II”, Spring 2010.
- Physics 551, “Quantum Field Theory I”, Fall 2007.
- Physics 552, “Quantum Field Theory II”, Spring 2008 and 2012
- Physics 584, “Computational Methods” (1 unit group-taught), Spring 2015-2019