
The Air Quality and Health Research Initiative is an intensive three-year project focused on building collaboration and cohorts in air quality and health research across all schools at Washington University. Air Quality and Health aims to make WashU a leader of a diverse collaborative hub focused on air quality and health with local community impact and global reach.



A Dynamic Cohort of Co-advised Trainees – to facilitate research and collaboration across all schools

Workshops and Symposia – to position WashU to be a leader in air quality and health

Seminars and Meetings – to support and strengthen faculty and student collaboration

Administrative Expertise- to build capacity and facilitate extramural proposals in air quality and health.


Current themes of research:

  • Air quality and specific health endpoints
  • Bioaerosols, air quality, and the microbiome
  • Built environment and intraurban air quality


Energize air quality and health within the emerging School of Public Health, synergize research, deliver local, national, and global impacts, attract national and international talent to WashU, and establish WashU as a leader in air quality and health.