We offer services to support investigators along the research development and execution process.

Missouri Aging and Disability Research Network

The Missouri Aging and Disability Research Network (MADRN) is a community-based research network founded in 2017. It is a regional collaborative of centers for independent living (CILs), area agencies on aging (AAA’s), people with disabilities, and academic researchers.

Our mission is to accelerate the translation, adaptation, evaluation and availability of evidence-based interventions designed to improve independence and community participation for people aging with long-term physical disabilities.

Community Consultation

This service provides investigators an opportunity to meet with local aging and disability organizations to discuss acceptability of a proposed project, recruitment methods and potential partnerships.

Collaborator Matchmaking

We work with the Center for Community Health Partnership & Research (CCHPR) to host Pitch Partners events to connect investigators to community partners. We also provide a directory of investigators interested in aging to help identify potential collaborators.