Dr. Ellen Fitzsimmons-Craft at Washington University in St. Louis is currently conducting a study, titled: Improving Access to Services, Preventing Eating Disorders, and Addressing Comorbid Depression and Anxiety in Diverse Adolescents. The study aims to develop a brief digital program for teens who have body image concerns. Eligible participants will have the opportunity to review and engage with the program and offer feedback during a 30-60 minute Zoom interview and online surveys. Participants may be compensated up to $60 for their participation.

Eligibility Criteria:

a) 13-17 years old
b) Fluent in English
c) Living in the United States
d) Owns a mobile phone
e) Prescreened as high risk for an eating disorder

To prescreen, please click on the following link: https://washu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9REPLqRRIe9tRd4?Source=Site

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the principal investigator, Ellen Fitzsimmons-Craft at: fitzsimmonse@wustl.edu

And please feel free to share within your networks as well!