We estimate annual ground-level nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations for 2019 by combining satellite NO2 column observations from TROPOMI with information from the GEOS-Chem chemical transport model and ground-based monitoring. Estimates are provided at ~1 km resolution.


We also produce annual mean estimates for 2005-2019 by combining fine-resolution (~1km) information from the TROPOMI satellite instrument with long-term NO2 observations from the OMI satellite instrument.


Reference: Cooper, M.J., Martin, R.V., Hammer, M.S. et al. Global fine-scale changes in ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns. Nature 601, 380–387 (2022). [Link]


Annual mean ground-level NO2 mixing ratio for 2019 inferred from the TROPOMI satellite instrument.


Cooper, M.J., R.V. Martin, C.A. McLinden, and J.R. Brook (2020), Inferring ground-level nitrogen dioxide concentrations at fine spatial resolution applied to the TROPOMI satellite instrument, Env. Res. Lett., DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aba3a5. [Link]

Available Datasets (Mean NO2 Product v.1)

Annual mean NO2 mixing ratio at TROPOMI overpass time (~13:00) in HDF5 format. Included is 2019 annual mean and 1.5 year mean spanning July 2018 – December 2019.


Annual mean ground-level NO2 mixing ratio for 1996-2012 inferred from the GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 satellite instruments.


Geddes, J. A., R.V. Martin, B. L. Boys, and A. van Donkelaar, Long-term trends worldwide in ambient NO2 concentrations inferred from satellite observations for exposure assessment, Environ. Health Perspec., DOI:10.1289/ehp.1409567, 2015 [Link]

Available Datasets (Mean NO2 Product v.1.00):

3-Yr Running Mean NO2 Product v.1.00: Annual ground-level NO2 mixing ratio ~9:30-11:30 overpass time, in [ascii] and [hdf] format.

Annual ground-level NO2 mixing ratio ~9:30-11:30 overpass time, in [hdf] format.

Surface NO2 (OMI, 2005-2007)Annual mean ground-level NO2 mixing ratio at OMI overpass time (~1:30 PM) for 2005-2007 inferred from the OMI satellite instrument.

Lamsal, L.N., R.V. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, E.A. Celarier, R.K. Boersma, R. Dirksen, C. Luo, and Y. Wang, 2010. Indirect validation of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide retrieved from the OMI satellite instrument: Insight into the seasonal variation of nitrogen oxides at northern midlatitudes, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D05302, doi:10.1029/2009JD013351 

Lamsal, L.N., R.V. Martin, A. van Donkelaar, M. Steinbacher, E.A. Celarier, E. Bucsela, E.J. Dunlea, and J.P. Pinto, Ground-level nitrogen dioxide concentrations inferred from the satellite-borne Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), J. Geophys. Res., 113, D16308, doi:10.1029/2007JD009235, 2008. 

Available Datasets (SP_GC product_v1.00):

Annual (and long-term) mean (2005-2011) ground-level NO2 mixing ratio at OMI overpass time (~1:30 PM) for North America, in [ascii] and[hdf] format

Available Datasets (SP_GC product_v1.01):

Annual (and long-term) mean (2005-2011) ground-level NO2 mixing ratio at OMI overpass time (~1:30 PM) for North America, in [ascii] and[hdf] format
Instructions are in the README file [download README]

Available Datasets (DP_GC product):

Annual mean ground-level NO2 mixing ratio at OMI overpass time (~1:30 PM) for North America, 2005-2007 [.dat]

Annual Global Mean mean ground-level NO2 mixing ratio at OMI overpass time (~1:30 PM), 2005-2007 [.hdf]


North America Annual mean data are provided in an ASCII file. The first row/column indicate longitude/latitude centres, respectively. Missing values or water are denoted by -999. Global annual mean data is provided in HDF format.